Voice Recognition

Jr./Sr. Staff Directory

Jr. Sr. High Staff Directory

Adolf RN, Rebecca
Jr./Sr. High School Nurse
Office: 607-693-8118
Allen, Melanie
Admin. Assistant to Sarah Miller, the Assistant Supt. of Curriculum, Instruction & Accountability
Office: 607-693-5713
Andrews, Jill
Office: 607-693-8108
Bigelow, Deidra
Science Teacher (7th-12th)
Blendinger, Robert
French Teacher (9th-12th)
Bough, Angie
Physical Education Teacher (7th-12th)
Bowen, Amanda
Special Education Teacher (7th-12th)
Buckler, Jacqueline
Math Teacher (9th-12th)
Buczek, Joshua
English Teacher (10th-12th)
Campanella, Christopher
Instrumental Music Teacher (7th-12th)
Campi, Michael
English Teacher (7th-10th)
Cole, Nicole
Vocal Music Teacher
Conrow, Kristine
Jr./Sr. High School Principal
Office: 607-693-8105
Fye, Melissa
Social Studies Teacher (7th-8th)
Gates, Christine
Office: 607-693-8105 x 2155
Georgia, Heath
Superintendent of Schools
Office: 607-693-8112
Giblin, Caitlin
Foreign Language Teacher (8th-11th)
Gilbert, Debbie
Special Education Aide, HSSA President
Harrington, Megan
Guidance Counselor (7th-9th)
Office: 607-693-5734
Hendrickson, Barb
Teacher Aide, Elem. & Jr./Sr. Yearbook Advisor
Office: 607-693-8105 x 4324
Keeler, Brenda
Art Teacher (7th-12th)
Kelly, Patrick
Social Studies Teacher (9th-12th)
Korba, Sara
Special Education Teacher (7th-12th)
Korenka-Robinson, Anastasia
English Teacher (7th-12th)
Lyon, Jason
Math Teacher (7th-12th)
Manville, Jayme
Math Teacher (7th-11th)
Miller, Sarah
Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction and Accountability
Office: 607-693-5713
Nagurar, Vidya
Science Teacher (9th-12th)
Peterson, Paul
Technology Teacher (7th-12th)
Rhodes, Tabby
Secretary to Superintendent, District Clerk, District Records
Office: 607-693-8112
Rigo, Amy
Special Education Teacher (7th-12th)
Rusnak, Kim
Social Studies Teacher (10th-12th), Honor Societies Advisor
Ryder, Thomas
Physical Education Teacher (7th-12th)
Salisbury, Bruce
Technology Club Advisor
Salton, Judith
Family & Consumer Science Teacher (7th-12th)
Sconzo, Ethan
Social Studies Teacher (9th-12th)
Slesinsky, Karen
Guidance Counselor (10th-12th)
Office: 607-693-5734
Strantz, Timothy
Science Teacher (9th-12th)
Thomas, Caroline
English Teacher
Thomas-Lavine, Paige
Special Education Teacher (7th-12th)
Walker, Amy
Jr./Sr. High School Administrative Assistant
Office: 607-693-8105
Whaley, Leslie
Special Education Teacher (7th-12th)
Witinski, Stephanie
Math Teacher (9th-12th)
Young, Brian
Dean of Students
Office: 607-693-8129