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Thank You for Passing the School Budget
Thank You for Passing the School Budget

Dear Harpursville Central School District Community Members,

We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude for your participation in the school budget vote on May 16. Your support in passing the budget demonstrates your commitment to the future of our schools and the education of our children.

Your vote has ensured that the Harpursville Central School District can continue to provide the necessary resources, programs, and staffing to offer our students the best possible educational environment. By approving the budget and propositions, you have contributed to the growth and success of our schools, helping to shape the policies and direction of our district for years to come.

Congratulations to these board members who were elected in last night’s vote:  Tom Fargo and Bernie Scott.

We also want to express our appreciation for your engagement in the school board elections. Your involvement in selecting dedicated and qualified candidates is vital to ensuring strong leadership with a clear vision for the future of our district.

As we move forward, we remain committed to working together with you, our community, to make a difference in the lives of our children and to ensure the continued success of the Harpursville Central School District.

Once again, thank you for your support and for making a positive impact on our schools and community.
Warm regards,
Al Buyck
Interim Superintendent
Harpursville Central School District